Aloha Friday Photo + Leaders Questioning the Plan to Reopen Tourism

Mahalo to Krista Marie for sharing this excellent shot for Aloha Friday Photos.

Krista’s shot was taken at Ke’ena on the eastern point of Oahu. It’s a rugged, yet beautiful coastline.

Hawaii’s leaders are considering modifying or delaying the August 1 plan to reopen tourism with a pre-travel test result. The plan would allow visitors to bypass the 14-day quarantine by providing proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72-hours of arrival.

The plan to reopen was announced just over two weeks ago, but in recent days the governor and island mayors have had “marathon” meetings discussing concerns and options. From what we can gather, the concerns are around the case surges in Hawaii and on the mainland as well as Hawaii’s limitations on testing and contact tracing.

We’ll continue to watch for news and let you know when decisions are made.

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