Hawaii travel news: December 2, 2020

* Kauai’s newly implemented rule requiring all travelers to quarantine for 14 days is in effect today. This rule applies to tourists and residents arriving on the island from traveling elsewhere. This new restriction has resulted in many cancellations, closures and job losses. For more information on Kauai-specific travel restrictions, go to Kauai.gov/covid-19.

* The recently added restriction requiring travelers who participate in the pre-travel testing program to have their results before their final flight to Hawaii has some pushback by island lawmakers. The rule has caused cancellations, job losses and trusted testing partners to withdraw their support of the program. For more information about the Safe Travels and pre-travel testing programs, see HawaiiCOVID19.com.

* Starting today, Trans-Pacific travelers to Hawaii’s Big Island will once again be required to take a rapid-antigen test upon arrival per HawaiiNewsNow.

* There’s a new initiative called Movers and Shakas to encourage people who work remotely to work from Oahu. There are volunteer opportunities and expectations as well. Here’s an excerpt about the basics of Movers and Shakas:

“Movers & Shakas” (https://www.moversandshakas.org/) will initially provide 50 FREE r/t flights to Oahu to pre-employed people who must stay a minimum of one month. In exchange, they need to give a few hours/week to a nonprofit that fits their skillset. So there is a great volunteer component for those looking to give back while traveling. Additional incentives include discounted rates with hotels, restaurants, etc. Deadline to apply is Dec. 15.

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