* Today marks the start of the new travel restriction that requires travelers to have their negative test result before the departure time of their final leg of travel to Hawaii as we reported on Friday. The test must be taken within 72 hours of the final leg of departure by a testing partner approved by the state of Hawaii. If a traveler does not have their result prior to the departure of their final flight, the traveler must quarantine for 14 days even if a negative test result is received afterwards. Per a Star-Advertiser article, this rule change has already resulted in Hawaii travel cancellations. For further information on this and other restrictions see this link to HawaiiCOVID19.com/travel.
* Hawaiian Airlines has expanded their pre-travel COVID testing options to include testing options in the Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Portland and Seattle areas per KHON.
* The mayor of Kauai has proposed a new rule for travelers to Kauai. He’s asked the governor to approve a mandatory post-arrival test at least three days after arrival on Kauai with a mandatory quarantine until a second test can be confirmed. This proposed requirement could require travelers to be in quarantine for a very minimum of three days and most likely at least four, five or even more days. Here’s the mayor’s most recent update for your reference.
* Our annual Waikiki Thanksgiving Guide has been updated. This year is going to be much more subdued with less restaurants open, less events and the annual parade cancelled.
The post Hawaii vacation news: November 24, 2020 appeared first on Go Visit Hawaii.