Pre-travel testing no longer necessary for Hawaii inter-island travel + more restrictions easing

We are moving towards less restrictions to travel within and to Hawaii. Here are the latest developments:

Inter-island travel restrictions dropped

Today, June 15, 2021, marks a real change from the new normal back to the old normal for flying from island to island in Hawaii. Hurrah! Previously, inter-island travelers had to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test or quarantine for 10 days when flying from Hawaiian island to island. Starting today, that will no longer be necessary. The only exception would be that if a person is in quarantine, they will not be allowed to travel inter-island.

Travelers fully vaccinated in Hawaii allowed trans-Pacific travel without pre-testing

Also starting today, trans-Pacific travelers who have been fully vaccinated in Hawaii, are allowed to bypass pre-travel testing and quarantine with proof of their vaccination status. Please note that one of the most important stipulations in this change is that the traveler must have received their vaccination(s) in Hawaii.

Unfortunately, this new easing of travel restrictions doesn’t help most of our readers who are not Hawaii residents, however, it is a positive move in the right direction.

Fully vaccinated U.S. travelers may bypass pre-testing when Hawaii reached benchmark of 60% fully vaccinated

As announced on June 4, 2021, when Hawaii reaches a 60% vaccination rate, individuals vaccinated in the United States who are traveling domestically, will be able to bypass the pre-testing/quarantine requirement with proof of vaccination through the state’s Safe Travels program. Hawaii reports that 55% of the population has been vaccinated as of June 13, 2021. Additionally, 61% of Hawaii’s population has initiated the vaccination process with at least one dose administered.

Unvaccinated, trans-Pacific travelers will still be allowed to travel to Hawaii without quarantine as long as they complete the requisite pre-travel testing.

Gov. Ige announced a second vaccination benchmark that will end all travel restrictions to Hawaii. That benchmark is when of 70% of Hawaii’s population is vaccinated.


For official resources on Hawaii travel restrictions, go to the state’s site

For travel related questions, call 1-800-GoHawaii (1-800-464-2924.)

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